Spencer Young's site
This is the place for projects and ideas I'd like to share.
TmLanguage and TmTheme playground
Quickly preview TextMate syntaxes and themes
This is a little project I cooked up quickly while working on making some changes to a TextMate language syntax for use with VSCode. See it in action here.
Introducing MinTyML
A minimalist alternative syntax for HTML
MinTyML (from Minimalist HTML) is an alternative syntax for HTML designed for writing text-heavy documents.
TypeScript dependency injection with compile-time verification
This started as personal learning experiment to create a dependency injection library. I soon realized the entire dependency graph could be represented in the type system, and can be enforced statically when requesting a resource from the DI container. This includes considering whether:
- A dependency has been provided
- A dependency can be resolved synchronously
- The request is made within the scopes associated with each dependency
An old project
Several years ago I made a simple game as I experimented with TypeScript as well as HTML canvas. The player controls a hexagon-shaped spaceship while being chased by circular spaceships. The goal is to shoot down the circles as they spawn and survive as long as you can.
Hello, world!
On this site I’ll share thoughts, experiences, and projects I’m working on.